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The Plano Youth Soccer Association has a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout both the recreational and competitive organizations.
PYSA accepts volunteers fulfilling National Honor Society and other school-related volunteer requirements. 

Or to find out more about volunteering with PYSA, please contact the PYSA office at 972.422.7972.

Volunteer Opportunities

League Director
PYSA utlizes volunteers to coordinate and communicate with our age group leagues. 
If you have time to update scores online, communicate with teams, and watch some soccer, then there is a league director's position for you!
Obviously, coaching a youth soccer team is a bit of time commitment, but our recreational league struggles to find coaches for many of our new and youngest teams.  If you like kids, love the game, and/or are willing to learn, then coaching may be for you.
The Plano Labor Day Invitational and Spring Kick Classic Tournaments are great opportunities for you to help out on a short-term basis.  In hosting two of the most prestigious youth tournaments in North Texas, we are always in need of registration personnel, field marshalls, t-shirt sellers, and many others for those weekends.
General Volunteers
PYSA often has need of people with a variety of skills.  Whether you have experience in marketing, maintenance, graphic design or if you are a terrific organizer or worker bee with some time on your hands, you can help Plano Youth Soccer!  Contact us to find out more.





We're all friends here! Parents and coaches at all PYSA activities are responsible for following the NTSSA Coaches Code of Ethics and Parents' Code of Conduct.




PYSA is always looking for more helpers!! Learn more about how to become a Volunteer!




We love pets, but not on our fields. To see why, check out the PYSA Rules. (Recreational | Competitive)